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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Leo, Year Ahead 2022

leo Zodiac Sign

2022 General Horoscope | 2022 Luck and Money Horoscope

You start 2022 with a blast of determination that focuses your attention. The Sun, your ruler, is in earthy Capricorn. But with fiery Mars in Sagittarius, you have turn-it-upside-down energy you can use to create dynamic change.

By March, your efforts start to show tangible benefits. With Venus, Mars and Saturn converging opposite Leo, it's time to reconsider what needs to change - particularly any relationships that hold you back. You can free yourself from restrictions and deal with emotional situations that will benefit from renegotiation. It's about regaining control, not marching to anyone else's orders. It takes confidence, courage and talent to be calling the tune, but you have these qualities in spades, clubs, diamonds... and hearts too!

The March Equinox empowers you to be the inspiring leader you were born to be. And, following the second Equinox and two Eclipses, it won't just be you that appreciates your efforts and skill; others benefit too.

The Jupiter/Neptune convergence encourages a new approach to guide you towards greater financial success, more meaningful relationships, and to be luckier in life and love. With positivity, the direction you find and the rewards you gain will excite you to explore further adventures.

Luck and Money

There'll be opportunities to explore new horizons this year. Jupiter's movements indicate that when you think creatively, your investments will grow. This may involve relaxing your control, or allowing trusted partners to take the reins. Mars' activity promises that forming alliances is the surest way for you to achieve your desires. Leading with a philosophy of 'we', not 'me', increases your chances of success.

Once you have had your chart cast, you can then go on to look at where the planets are right now - and where they will be in the next twelve months.

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