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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

Gemini, Year Ahead 2022

gemini Zodiac Sign

2022 General Horoscope | 2022 Luck and Money Horoscope

In August 2022, the power planet Mars moves into your sign (for seven months) and the heat will be turned up high! Before that, April's Jupiter/Neptune link will call you to reconsider your dreams, allowing you to explore opportunities with refreshed energy.

With your ruler, Mercury, unusually retrograde four times, big shifts in priorities are possible. You'll surprise your nearest and dearest... and yourself. The right path involves finding ways to communicate your reasons for making incisive decisions. Mars requires you to ensure your passions are productively channeled. Success has meaning only when you can share it. With so much energy around you, you won't lack help or admirers.

Jupiter's changes of signs promise more fun, generosity and entertainment, plus a chance to deepen relationships. You'll see value in sacrificing some ambitions to find emotionally sustaining satisfaction. Your growing influence (rather than your actions) will strengthen key relationships. As long as you (sometimes) apply brakes on your ambition, you'll gain valuable support.

2022's dynamics won't always be easy, but they're a potent blessing - your chance to turn ideas into reality. As the year ends, it won't just be your achievements that stand out. It will be the relationships, and the meaningful direction your life's taken.

Luck and Money

With dynamic Mars' extended stay in Gemini, your financial appetite is bound to grow. You just have to be careful that your eyes aren't bigger than your purse! Jupiter, the planet of wealth, encourages you to rely on friends to steer you in the right direction. And by clearly communicating your desires, for once you'll find the support needed to properly pursue them this year.

Oh, by the way, your full birth chart, calculated from your date of birth will tell you far more about what's in store and how to make it work for you. Click here!

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