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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

What the planets say about you

Sagittarius, June 2022

The monthly forecasts are usually published on the first Saturday of each month. If you'd like to read yours up to 2 weeks in advance then why not take a free trial of the 5 Star Service?

sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Your June Monthly Horoscope: The June Supermoon, in your sign, encourages you to follow your instincts. It's important to let go of the fallacy that other people's ideas are 'right', and trust in your own ability to improvise the way forwards. As Mercury moves opposite Sagittarius, sharing your ideas with others will be illuminating. You're at your best when free to explore your own path... and following the Solstice, it's this attitude that will serve you best. As long as you trust yourself you'll find yourself in a strong position to make exciting choices. Once you have had your chart cast, you can then go on to look at where the planets are right now - and where they will be in the next twelve months.

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