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Your Daily Horoscope, from Jonathan Cainer with Oscar Cainer

What the planets say about you

Weekly Love Capricorn Horoscope

Sunday, 12 June 2022

capricorn Zodiac Sign

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: In his 2005 book The Wisdom Of Crowds, James Surowiecki argues that a collective decision is often better than one taken by a single person. As social media has become ubiquitous, we see lots of examples of the 'hive mind' in action. Perhaps the most remarkable is crowdfunding: nowadays, thanks to collective donations, a good idea or a worthy cause can raise huge sums of money. I mention this because you can achieve an emotional goal much more quickly if you harness the support of others this week. Share your vision... it will be inspirational. Some strawberries look better than they taste but this Strawberry Super Moon brings you a chance to discover the real you. Take advantage of this special moment in time with 50% OFF all Birth Charts (OFFER ENDS IN A FEW HOURS)

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